Welcome to the official fanlisting for Scottish actor, Brian Cox

If you are a fan of this talented actor, please read the rules and join.

Over the years, Brian Cox has portrayed many interesting characters on film, stage and television -- from Shakespeare's KING LEAR to the infamous Hannibal in MANHUNTER. His earliest movie appearance was the role of Leon Trotsky in the film NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA (1971) and in recent years has had roles in films such as L.I.E., ADAPTATION, THE ROOKIE, THE RING and X-MEN 2 and a memorable guest tv appearance as Daphne's Dad in NBC'S FRASIER. To learn more about Brian Cox, please visit coxian.com.

This fanlisting was approved on 01-JUN-2003 by The Fanlistings Network (in the Actors category) to be its official FL for Brian Cox.

What is a Fanlisting? In this case, it's a place for all fans of a particular actor to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are his fans.

List last updated: Thu Jan 30 22:28:08 2025